where do I stand when it comes to monitoring my employee’s internet usage?

Monitoring employees’ Internet usage has become a leading way of increasing efficiency and detecting insider threats in the work place. However, just like any other system, it has its own share of challenges, the growing number of social platforms notwithstanding. Employers have had to contend with the rising number of workers who are unproductive due to spending many hours in the social forums while neglecting their obligations in the work place. As a result there is a need to monitor employees’ Internet usage.
How Can an Employer Monitor Employees’ Internet Usage?
Although it may sound easy, monitoring any person can be present unanticipated challenges. It should therefore be done with the utmost care to ensure that the employees’ rights are upheld. At the same time, the company should be able to hold the employees accountable for the company time and resources.
Educate the Employees on the Company Policies Regarding Internet Usage
First and foremost, it is important to educate the employees on the company policies regarding the use of Internet. The employees can then sign a document to explain that they understand the policies and agree to accept the consequences should they violate them. This ensures that the company data is safe from leakage and due to improper use of Internet and other applications.
Use Firewalls to Block Specific Sites from Being Visited
Secondly, the employers can monitor employees’ Internet usage by using firewalls to block specific sites from being visited when employees are within the company. This helps to manage data and also control the bandwidth usage within the firm. Additionally, it offers security to the company system by avoiding downloads and installation of unauthorised software.
Monitor Employees’ Computers Secretly
The employers can also go a step further by monitoring the individual computers. By using specific software, a company can easily monitor employees’ Internet usage, as well as the other activities that the employees are engaged in during working hours. Through this, you are able to know the websites that are visited by the employee, any chats, games and emails that are not work related.
Additionally, the employers can monitor all these activities discreetly without raising suspicion or the employees knowing that they are being monitored.
EaseMon Employee Internet Usage Monitoring Software
One of the most effective software programs that can be used by employers to monitor employees’ Internet usage is EaseMon. This software comes with features that will please any employer because of the diverse features that it presents when you want to know what your employees are up to.
Among the key features of EaseMon is the ability to log both sides of the messengers and log typed messages, accounts, and passwords, capture screenshots of Internet activities. This enables the employers to analyse the senders and recipients of the messages and whether they are work related.
Also EaseMon helps you monitor employees’ Internet usage by calculating how long an application has been used, and sending you notifications and emails periodically. In this way, you can tell the amount of time that an employee spends on the Internet while engaging in activities that are not work-related. Other features include the ability to view the logs remotely, taking screenshots and staying invisible and undetectable as you monitor.
In conclusion, it’s possible and necessary for employers and supervisors to monitor employees’ Internet usage for the sake of increasing employee productivity and protecting business information. And EaseMon employee Internet usage monitoring software can easily help employers achieve that goal.
Tags: computer monitoring, employee computer monitoring software, employee monitoring, employee monitoring software, look at employee computer use, monitor employees' internet usage, network monitoring, Network surveillance
Category: Articles and Tips