Safe Web Blocker for School Is Needed

Web Blocker

Educators are prone to choose web blocker as educating and protecting students in a digital world can be a challenge for the school. When it comes to utilizing Internet safety software for students. It is a daunting task for educators to safeguard students from porn and cyberbullying on the Internet, while with web blocker, educators can handle these issues readily.

Block Pornography Sites with Web Blocker

Today the number of pornography sites boosts so quickly that it is just too easy for students to get access to porn sites. For instance, when teens unconsciously put a word into Google or other search engines, not only does the information they search for appearing but also the porn websites pop up.

In order to keep porn out, educators can apply web blocker which owns advanced filtering technology. Web blocker automatically filters porn sites by keywords or URL. After customizations, web blocker checks and blocks porn words in websites in full-scale, including porn words in the title, tags, and body. Therefore, students will be protected from porn and teachers can ease their minds.

Safeguard Students from Cyberbullying

Another difficult task for educators is safeguarding students from cyberbullying. A CBS 2 (television) Special Report showed that more than half of 4-8th-grade students have been bullied online and major cyberbullying has taken place in chat rooms, instant messaging applications, emails, and games. How to prevent students from being bullied or bullying others? School administrators can deploy web blocker to deal with cyberbullying.

Besides logging websites browsed, web blocker filters certain improper games from running and applications like Skype, Facebook from applying. And thus, teachers can know what sites students frequently viewed, and teachers can block the mentioned applications if cyberbullying is likely to happen. In a word, educators can create a safe online world for students with web blocker.

Block Online Gaming Sites

Many students love to visit online gaming sites when they use computers. Although online games can increase social interaction, they also bring about dangers and risks. Cyberbullying, privacy problems, personal information left on PCs and websites, webcam worries, online predators, hidden fees, malware are the dangers that kids may encounter when they are playing online games.

Also, children may get addicted to online games and be unable to focus on study. Spending too much time on online games also hurt children’s mental and physical health. Therefore, the negative effects of online gaming sites should not be neglected.

To prevent kids from accessing and getting addicted to online gaming sites, it’s the responsibility of school educators to use web blocker for Mac and Windows PC.

Protect Kids from Online Predators

Nowadays an increasing number of teenagers are active on social networking sites. They not only connect with friends and classmates on the social platform but also make friends with strangers. Besides, they enjoy posting their selfies and status online. However, many online predators read children’s social profile, pretend to be teens and make friends with children. These people may lure children into an offline meeting, or assault children with sexual messages.

To protect kids from online predators, it may be appropriate for school educators to use a web blocker to block social networking sites and chat rooms where predators are always active.

Aside from protecting students from porn, cyberbullying, and online gaming sites, web blocker which filters unwanted sites aids teachers to block inappropriate websites. Besides, web blocker works in a stable and undetectable mode and can’t be bypassed. With so many potential risks waiting to jeopardize the unsecured network and harm vulnerable students, web blocker is the answer for school.

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