World of Warcraft and Aobo Mac Keylogger

improve insider threat prevention

Aobo Mac Keylogger is not to blame for the cases that some Mac users’ Wow accounts are hacked. Recently, there are lots of wow players with Apple Macs complaining that their wow accounts are hacked. Golds are lost, and equipments are destroyed. I am sorry for the loss of the victims. I am a wow player too, so I know how important character wow plays in our life. Some people thought keylogger is installed onto their Macs, and they turned their guns to Aobo Mac Keylogger, which is the only Keylogger for Mac records passwords.

What They Say About World of Warcraft and Aobo Mac Keylogger

  • Recently I clicked on a link someone posted on the forums that I suspect might have been a keylogger/trojan.
  • I am on a mac and I do use Firefox and nothing popped up asking if I wanted to "download" something I just got redirected to WoWWiki.
  • I’ve never really worried about such things before because I’ve always been careful, and I suppose lulled into a false sense of security being on a mac.
  • My question: Is there anything I can do to make sure nothing bad has happened?
  • I’m a new Mac user, and I was wondering if there are still no known keyloggers for Mac? Also, how can I run virus scans for key loggers/viruses? I tried looking through the mac site and after a couple of hours of the same “Macs are very secure, they are no viruses for Macs” I got a little frustrated as I also found a Keylogger for Mac website, how can they say Macs are very secure? SO I came here.
  • Any help would be greatly appreciated.

From the above discussion of the wow players, you will see Mac is not secure anymore. But for what took their wow accounts, actually, it is not Aobo Mac Keylogger. Although it is known that currently, only Aobo Mac Keylogger professional edition can record passwords, Aobo Mac Keylogger Pro edition requires the Mac system admin password to install. So, no one without your Mac system admin password can install the Keylogger onto your Mac.

Also, Aobo Mac Keylogger won’t be installed onto your Mac through web surfing automatically. Aobo Mac Keylogger requires manually configuring to work.

Tips of Protecting Your WOW Account from Mac Keylogger Trojans

Macs are more secure than PCs, but who knows whether there are Mac trojans or not? So please be aware of them all the time. Here are the tips on how to protect your wow account from Mac Keylogger Trojans.

  • Do not run applications that you don’t know
  • Check your “Activity Manager” everyday to make sure there is no suspicious process running
  • Search your Mac for word “keylogger”

You don’t need to install any antivirus or anti spy software on your Mac. Just do as I say, and your account will be safe then.

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