Legal and Privacy

Legal and Privacy


EaseMon is always a legal monitoring tool when you are using it in the right way. Before you decide to place an order for EaseMon, please make sure your actions of purchasing, downloading, installing and using EaseMon are LEGAL in the country and state where you are located.


We work hard to protect EaseMon and our users from unauthorized access. At the same time, EaseMon collects order information for the benefit of its users, such as providing the license key when you lose or forget it, offering technical support to registered users, informing you of new updates and special offers.

When you submit an order for EaseMon, please make sure to input right user information. A valid email address is required so that the order email can be sent to you in time. If you didn’t get the order email in 24hours, you could contact us to check it for you. We strongly suggest you take a detailed overview before you place an order to confirm EaseMon is the very one that meets your demands.


The online purchase of EaseMon is promised to be 100% secure. Your personal information will never be shared with anyone for any reason. To safeguard the use of EaseMon, several effective ways is provided: changeable hot key and customizable password, security problem, unique license key, client binding information with every single order. It is very difficult or impossible for someone to detect EaseMon usage, let alone acknowledge any information about the user.

No matter you pay through Avangate, Paypro or Plimus platform, the purchase info of EaseMon will not show or reveal what it is that the user actually paid for. In this situation, even though your family may be aware of this purchase transaction, he/she would have a slim chance of knowing what has been purchased. Only with the client binding information, can the order details be checked and provided.


We will adopt legal measures against piracy of any usage. EaseMon will aid law enforcement in prosecution of users abusing our product for malicious purposes.

EaseMon stores all the recorded activities by itself or sends them to your configured email. It is impossible for us to know anything of the recorded information on your device.


All the rights are reserved. All the graphics, software, code samples, and other digital information contained on this web site, as well as software distributed over the Internet are copyright protected and owned by Easemon Software.


In no event shall EaseMon be liable for any loss of data or any damages of any kind, financial, physical, emotional or other, which might arise from its use. In addition, we are not able to take responsibility for malicious users of EaseMon.


Both registered customers and unregistered customers will enjoy free Ticket and Live Support based on technical support. Please feel free to contact us no matter you have questions before purchasing EaseMon or you have already purchased EaseMon and need help.